Personal Coaching for Faith-Driven​ Women.

Guiding you through an inventory of your God-given gifts and a discovery of your dreams. Equipping you and empowering you to live the next chapter of your life with purpose and joy.                                       

Perspective & Clarity

Confidence & Courage

Self-Awareness & Joy

Hey ladies,

The world needs more confident women leaders who love God and serve others. 

How many hours have you spent wondering who you’re meant to be, or what you are truly capable of doing?  How often have you wished you could feel more inspired, more purposeful, more fulfilled?  And how many times have you wanted more, but settled for less?

When life has reached a point of discomfort and you want change but don’t know how or where to even begin, it’s time to make an investment in yourself with coaching. Coaching will bring intentional change for the direction of your life.  You need someone to guide you through this seemingly daunting task, instead of doing it alone.

When women are really ready and hungry to grow into the calling on their lives, I am there to over-deliver with an exceptional coaching outcome.

It’s time for a change!

Unfortunately, many women…


Lack confidence and direction


Struggle with their own limiting beliefs

Are distracted by comparison
Feel they are not in alignment with God’s calling for their lives

Want more out of life, but settle for less

Step into your calling.

The most effective leaders know themselves inside and out.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10 NLT

Gain perspective & clarity

Discover what energizes you and how leaning into your God-given abilities will give you clarity and direction for your life.  Explore the opportunity to see yourself the way God sees you.

Imagine creating an action plan for long-term fulfillment!

Gain confidence & courage

Imagine what it would feel like to stop second-guess yourself and boldly step into what you love, with confidence!

Imagine letting go of pre-conceived comparisons by identifying your natural strengths, energizing activities and heartfelt priorities!

Gain fulfillment & joy

What if the life you long for is born from embracing your gifts, skills, passions, and life experiences?

I’m here to tell you, God is that good and this is a proven process for Him to show you His goodness!

Hi, I’m Julie!

See what happens when you unlock the power of a dedicated coach. 

Exceeding expectations is my measure of excellence with each and every client. The training I received at Real Coaching Success helped me develop best practices and a love of bringing women to a place of courage and success. Experiencing breakthrough in how a woman sees herself is one of the greatest moments in coaching.

I honor my client’s personal discovery, but I don’t shy away from speaking truth into their lives when they may not be able to see it themselves. Someone helped do that for me and now I am equipped and priviledged to do that for you!

You have the tools inside of you and I have the desire to move you towards your full potential that God has given you. He has a genuine desire to create greater fruitfulness in your life and for you to live that out for His glory..

If you’re interested in starting your own journey, I would love to talk with you and help you find the beauty of living with purposefulness and gratefulness each day.
Schedule a complimentary inquiry call and we will discuss:

  • Challenges, changes, or opportunities you’re facing
  • What you would like to achieve in this next chapter of life
  • What you can expect as a client, including time and financial investment
  • Any questions or concerns you may have
Interested ?

Here are your next steps to begin investing in yourself


Schedule an inquiry call

During our relaxed call, we will talk about what you are looking for?  Maybe you’re not sure? That’s ok! Our conversation will revolve around what matters to you and we will be discussing what you want to focus on.


Let’s start meeting

In this personal discovery phase, we will explore and tackle key issues in your life. You will grow in your self-awareness with independent exercises & activities that build on our coaching sessions.  The time committment is a one hour session each week for twelve weeks.


Work the plan and flourish

You will walk away with clarity and with that clarity you will have an amazing set of tools to make choices and plans to move toward the life you dream of!

A Few of My Clients…

Can I add you to the list?

A few

Services that I offer.


Your One Degree Coaching (One-On-One)

The YOD Program uniquely uncovers the rich tapestry of who you are.  You will discover your particular purpose and how The Father has been developing and preparing you for the work He has for your life. You will begin to use your personal DESIGN and you will understand the meaning of walking in the “joy of your Lord.” most effectively.


Your One Degree Coaching (Group Setting)

Your One Degree curriculum will be used in a group environment with your friends or your organization in a fun and comfortable setting.  You will walk away understanding how The Father designed you and start to purposefully live into your calling.


The Milestone Team Workshop

Using either the Your One Degree material or the Birkman® Assessment, we will provide your team with improved relationships, motivation and communication that will complement and build effective teams.


Birkman® Assessment

The Birkman® Assessment will give you a proper perspective of your perceptions which influence everything you do. It will provide you with an abundance of knowledge about you emotional intelligence, as well as ways to manage your stress behaviors.


The Confident Faith Leader Keynote

We will have a conversation around the importance of finding where and how The Lord desires to use you. You will be given inspiration and examples on how to create more potential in your life, so that you will generate powerful things for His purposes and glory.


Online Course (Coming Soon)

The Your One Degree Coaching curriculum is done in the comfort of your own home, in your own timing.


I’ve worked with some exceptional ladies!

Every woman who unlocks her true potential has direction for her future: a chance to glorify our Creator, to walk purposely in her convictions and to feel courage and confidence.


I have more courage and boldness in my career because I believe I am uniquely gifted for my role. I am more aware of my personality type and hard-wiring and how to use that awareness to navigate and identify activities that are energizing.

I feel an overall greater sense of confidence in both my career and personal life. I am a more confident mom and wife.

Coaching was an amazing gift and investment in me that I am truly grateful for.


My coaching experience was incredible! On the second to last coaching session, I asked myself, “what would have happened if I said no to this opportunity?”

I have a clearer view of where I am going and making decisions that empower me personally and professionally. Discovering my “Story” was my favorite part of the coaching experience. I loved how I could make plans, set goals, and have more direction.

I discovered more about myself than I could have imagined, and my life bloomed right before my eyes. Julie knew what to ask, when to speak, and how to move me forward.

With this process, you will get a clearer picture of where life may take you, set objectives and goals to push for and genuinely help shift your focus in a positive light, to see the goodness you are walking in.


The process of going through coaching really forced me to take the time to reflect on my gifts, values, and talents in a way I would not have done without having the expertise of a coach to help guide the process. I gained insight and clarity about what I have to offer my team, and I especially appreciated the help in understanding what I should not be working on.

I feel more confident and more trusting about God and His investment in me than I ever have before, and this experience has transformed me.

Unlock the power of a dedicated coach